Friday, May 28, 2010

Film Class Starts

Film class started with introductions and then a movie that Zanzibits had made in the past several weeks was shown to the students. Afterward Salama gave some background information on the film, which was about the life of Zanzibar beach boys and some Manchester, Liverpool, and Arsenal football fans looking for an Internet connection to see the football news from abroad.

The students enjoyed the film. After some discussion, a question was asked whether any obstacles had come up during the filming. Salama admitted that there had been some obstacles.

Afterward, the film teachers introduced the students to the basics of animation by demonstrating with drawing on paper.

They gave the students pieces of paper to draw different images, to see for themselves how an animated movie is created from a series of drawings.

The students made some funny drawings and tried to envision how the drawings could be turned into animation. After a lunch break the teachers joked about how the students could be better animators if they just drew faster.

By the end of the day all the students had become familiar with the lesson and were looking forward to the next one.

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