Monday, February 9, 2009

Final exam and graduation of the first batch of 15 students

We held the exams of the first month of the new 2009 Zanzibits students on Thursday, the 5th of February. Rukia, Salama and Mbarak prepared the certificate and CD ROM's with the students work. Graduation day was held on Friday. All students passed, as they all participated with a lot of enthousiasm and passion.

On Thursday morning Rukia, Salama and Mbarak came to the class and asked students to prepare for their examination. After a few minutes of preparation students started with their exam, and they start with theory and in the afternoon they continued with the practical aspect. Mbarak was in the class watching the students during the examination.

In the afternoon the students continue with the second part of their exam, where Rukia and Salama start to make the certificate for printing, and Hashil signged them, as Guy was not around. Also rukia printed the CD covers and the poster of the students which was among of their work they have done. After that, rukia showed salama how to burn CD's and they start to burn the CD together for the students.

On Friday it was the day of graduation, where by all students arrives at 9:00 in the morning, and they start the ceremony at 10:00 in the morning. Salama opened the graduation for welcoming the students and asked them to come and start presentation of their works, students start to present their work in alphabetical order and after finishing it, the guest of honor Mr. Hashil el hamdan rewarded the certificate to the students.

After that he gave out a small speech to the students. But also he advice the students who were waiting for a national examination result if they passed their exam and they think that, it will be better for them to continue with their studies and to stop coming zanzibits, to come and inform the teacher about their situation. Also he thanks them for the whole 4weaks that they were here.

The graduation finished with some snacks and drinks together with a group picture and we made some funny things. Like singing. It was a great day for the kids and they left at 13:00pm.

Lastly, I just want to add that Suleiman also was the photographer, this day. And Suleiman, may I congratulate you, as I heard that you were really taking the pictures like a professional! Keep up the good work.

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