Friday, February 5, 2010

Graduation of the first batch of course 1 students

The Lot 1 students who started their course early this January graduated
Last week friday, during the first graduation ceremony of 2010, the students got the chance to present the work that they have made at zanzibits during the first month of the course. After the first seven students, we had a break where the students presented a poem they made about zanzibits. They also begged us to let them all continue to course two, which, of course, we cannot garantee.

After the presentations, the guest of honor, Mr. Nassor (The assistance principal of the Al-Riyami academt) gave a speech, where he stressed the students not to be satisfied of what they have reached up till now, but to continue studying hard and making it to the top. He also explained the value of a good education, and what possibilities lie in the future for those who work and study hard.

After his speech, the guest of honor awarded the certificates to the graduating students, and there was, of course, much rejoicing :)

Congratulations, guys, and hope to see most of you again during course two!

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