Thursday, May 19, 2011

Neighborhood project Course three

The course three of Zanzibits has already started and as the name of the course is web designing and film making, the students started learning the basics. The course is intensive visual design training, technical skills for designing and building websites plus making films.

Students learn the elements of layout and site design, navigation, structuring information, usability, html, Dream weaver, Photoshop and movie maker programs. This course is for motivated and talented students who have completed course 1 and 2.

The course lays the foundation for taking part in the Web-Lab and working for clients. We normally work on three projects in this course.

The neighborhood project is the first web project, then the zanzikids project, a film and cultural project and the final web project where by the students divided into groups have to come up with one topic of Zanzibar culture and then manifesting the web according to the topic.

In the neighborhood project the student work individually, they come up with one topic each, according to their home surroundings and start designing the web from scratch to functional.

Good going guys!!!

1 comment:

said said...

Wow, that's awesome...

Keep it up guys, i'm sure you are going to be very good designers!!